How does Volumio Primo work?
Primo is our first audiophile music network player and streamer, DAC integrated, bundled with Volumio OS with a full range of audio formats support.
In a few words, Primo controls the music via local network, being played through the Volumio software already installed in the device, using a standard Web Browser's User Interface or Android/iOS apps.
Primo works at its best connected to the internet, in this way you can use all the network music features, but it can also works as local player, taking source from your local music (HDD/NAS)
You can choose between different audio sources such HDD/NAS local files, Webradios, Streaming services and 3rd party plugins.
Here as follow the user guide manual with tech specs :
Volumio Primo USER MANUAL_SRL_A5_20 pag_REVJuly2020.pdf
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